
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Friday, April 24, 2020

Te Reo Maori #2

I've created a slide with English words and Maori words

Fun ideas

      We have to make a tall tower with stuff at home

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Red Door

One day I was in my house with nothing to do, then I went for a scary walk. I was there thinking it would be fun but it went downhill from here. I saw a red door so I opened it. I was so excited, then boom, crash, “help me”. I tried to open the door then “you shall not leave until you make it through the dark and killer levels”. I didn’t want to accept but I did or I would have to stay there but lockdown was already bad. I was so scared but someone was hiding in the house saying”come please”. I was trying to find the person screaming and then I found him. He was tall 6.5, 21 years old, named Roddy Rich. he said he could help me pass all the dark levels so I said yes so what food do they have. He responded, fried frog livers yuck. I don't want to eat that stinky stuff. He said you have abilities he can fly and I didn’t know my ability 1hour later we trained and trained then my abilities was time but I couldn’t go back to home so here we go first level was the deadly rocks you have to you’s your abilities wise so he flu over to the other side and told me what the dealy rocks were.

Problem Solving Lockdown Learning