
Friday, July 31, 2020

Kia ora this is my panui pukapuka. We had to make and argument

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Boy with secret powers

Taimana kept his powers secret. Not even his parents knew about the things he could do. Taimana had known from a very young age that he was different, and although he was fascinated by the magic that she possessed, it also frightened him. His younger brother, Kaeden, gripped his hand tightly. He was the only person that Taiman had trusted with his secret, so far… He knew if he told people that he would get killed by the bad guys he didn’t now that at first but he was very dumb cause he told the whole world. His mum kept getting emails but she didn’t read them but then a hacker broke into the computer then reasoned and lied and said take my son cause he is adopted but with the power in the kid he got the messages to the hacker then the hacker hated him even the cops turned on him. The mum was the only one in the world that found out. The Taimana and Kaeden went out to to get a robot machine surgery in his arm so when he punches he will destroy it cost 10 cents but it was 5 cents for one so they got that done finally Taimana could not wait anymore so he left then found himself in a pickle his dark emey rubber boy was here and he was trying to kill him for his money somehow he found out about Taimana money he got (he got paid 10 million) a week so he was rich and every villain wanted his money. He was scared but he knew he was the bigger man he would beat but he needed his sidekick Kaeden he had mind reading skills he was trusting with my secret but he was like a ninja he was here then there teleporting I think. But it came as a big job to beat thanos. Thanos was in love with money if he got my money he would be able to wipe the whole world. I practice for months until it was time to vs Thanos with my sidekick Kaeden we were undefeated cause we would distracted them one would attack them the opponent would go for him then we would just double team on them I thought of bring my metal army but I bought my ultimate metal army cause I knew that thanos would bring his army cause he lies all the time. I was the leader of Alpha and Kaeden was the leader of Bravo. We prepared the men so when they go to war they will be ready. Keaden will hide and have a mic to talk to us on the battlefield and tell us what Thanos is going to do to destroy us. 10 hours later let's go finally time has come to battle thanos and his army we had a rpg they had pistols they sent a video saying “ha ha you think you are going to beat us then ha” So that made us mad so we had rpg that shoot like a minigun so we meet them we said as soon is one says white flag it mean the other team wins ok so we shaked on it. 4 months had passed every army from both sides had died but Me Kaeden and Thanos were the last one alive so we all came out of our hiding spot 10 minutes later we killed Thanos we danced on him.