
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Student summit

 Kia ora today we had a Student summit. So what did we do today we would go on a google meet and my job was to read all the comments and answer the question in the chat. We had heaps of choices to watch people do workshops. We had to teach other people about mihi maker.    

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Tuhithui week 9

 Professor Plum had been locked away in his laboratory for days now, barely even stopping to eat or drink.

He rested his left arm on the dusty pile of books scattered across his desk, and with his right hand he gently flicked the conical flask in front of him. The red and orange liquid inside coughed and sputtered as heat from the Bunsen burner excited it from below.

Professor Plum wiped his weary eyes; only the excitement of finally finishing the potion kept him awake. Just a few more hours, then it would be ready. The potion was a teleportation potion, you could throw it and walk through the smoke to where you want to go. You can even go into a video game and have all the stuff like skins and guns and we are ready for battle. 

Professor Plum was wishing that he could go into a video game called fortnite and level up his stuff. While he was bored out of his mind he found a book on how to get good at fortnite, the first step was to always build when being shot at Step two, when you found any drink on the floor, drink it, cause it gives you health. Step three, if there is a build battle, shoot it down quick and quiet.  That was all the steps in the book. 

 One hour later  Professor Plum checked the potion and wallah! It was completed. He picked it up with gloves on, then he threw it saying  “take me to my parents house” poof he was like mummy where are you then he hear people jumping out of something and then he realized he was on a flying bus then it kicked him out of the battle bus then it said welcome to fortnite find loot and kill other player …….

His heart dropped and said “what do you mean” in a frightened voice just have fun then it fly off to the next match waiting so I flew to a place called salty springs “yes” i got the best gun in th game the gold pump detail it can do 200 or 150 to the head but body hit is 140 or 100 and it can hold five bulttes and it takes 00.5 seacond back into the story so I was happy then some pushed me then broke the roof and then stated to shoot me and then bang got him in the face I was so happy so I dance on him and then someone killed me. 

I rage so hard I want to leave but I couldn’t find it what did I leave it in fortnite oh on he screamed “noooooooooooo what am I going to do if I don’t get that potion i'll be stuck in here forever” so he had to plan as hard as he could so the potion will wear off so 1hour remaining before the potion wears off so he.

 So he saw this weird thing in front of him saying ready up so he pushed it and it made him go into another game and he found his potion and quickly used it poof he was at his parents house and they were playing fortnite.

That's why he showed up in fortnite his potion actually worked so he went home.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Italy facts

This week we have been working on Italy take a look at my mahi and please leave a comment.

Fractions part 2

Kia ora this week we have been working on Fractions take a look at my mahi and please leave a comment.

Fractions Part 1

Kia ora this week we have been working on Fractions  take a look at my mahi and please leave a comment

I am changing

This week we have been working on how we are changing take a look at my mahi and please leave a comment.

Maori art #1

This week we have been working on panui pukapuka take a look at my mahi and please leave a comment

Monday, September 7, 2020

A comparison between the Maori and Hawaiian version of catching the sun.

We  have been learning about maui and his adventures. We compared both versions of him catching the sun. I have storyboard the main points on book creator.

Please click this link to see what I have done and leave a comment Nga mihi.